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  Description of Software Downloads                        (Freeware)
  Business Productivity Software
  Let's goto System Sizer...  Pump, Valve, System, Sizing  (version 2.8 Review 1-17-17)   [web page] 
This program is for Control System Engineers and Designers, it can be used by 
piping designers and students as well...
(It is an Excel 97 Spreadsheet)

It will size the pipe, the pump, the valve and the flow element in a liquid pumping system.
It will allow for the system to be experimented with and show the results for different 
system pressures and pipe sizes. The installed valve characteristic curves will be 
graphically displayed for linear and equal percentage valves.

All data needed is included... Pipe sizes, Equivalent fitting lengths can be converted from
"K" factor charts, Common valve Cv, Orifice size selection table, Pump head correction
charts, Viscosity of water and Vapor pressure of water.

Note: Corrected head measurement calculation in Excel with roundup one place function!
          Corrected equivalent lengths of pipe for "K" factor of fittings pressure drop!

  Let's goto E-CalcTools...  E-CalcTools Program   [web page] 
This program is for Electrical Engineers and Designers...
It performs Voltage Drop, Wire Sizing, Conduit Wire Fill and Short Circuit Calculations.
It prints the reports for record keeping, for voltage drop and short circuit calculations.

It can size wire for panel boards, motors and even 6 volt DC emergency lights with 
remote heads. There is also a data tab for wire data, transformer data and
motor data form the NEC.  (short circuit calculations per Cooper Bussmann)
Let's goto Autoveiwer 2005...  AutoViewer 2005 Drawing Launcher Version 2.1   [web page]
This program is used in place of the AutoCAD open dialog box...
It is for productivity. I shows all thumbnails in the directory folder with hot tracking.
It holds open up to three (3) project folders at the same time.

The folders allow for one as a new work project folder, one as a copy from old project
folder and maybe one to view the backup and autosave files.

AutoViewer allows Drag and Drop of thumbnails on the command line or click
to launch the drawing in AutoCAD. (works with all versions of AutoCAD)
Let's goto Spread2Cad Pro!...  Spread2Cad Pro! Version 2.1 (Excel to AutoCAD)  [web page] 
Import Excel spreadsheets into AutoCAD...
Spread2Cad is a professional, industrial workhorse for people who work with linked
and multiple worksheets at the same time. It has a powerful and professional interface.

1) Automatically link sheets without knowledge of excel formulas.
2) Removes REF errors automatically.
3) Removes external links and re-links to local spreadsheets if in workbook.
4) Writes out all sheets in the workbook with one click or one at a time!

Version 3.0 coming in the middle of April with AutoCAD CUI toolbar support!

Fix problems in Excel and AutoCAD dialog
                                                                                     more info...

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